

    智慧树知到wangke2024-02-27 13:10100A+A-


    第一章 单元测试

    1、The self-introduction speech is usually called at _.

    A:business and academic setting

    B:family setting

    C:graduation ceremony

    D:informal setting

    答案: 【business and academic setting】

    2、A monologue, as a form of self-introduction speech, means _.

    A: you introduce yourself to one team

    B: you just stand up and introduce one of your friends

    C: you just stand up and introduce yourself

    D: you introduce a colleague to your team

    答案: 【 you just stand up and introduce yourself】

    3、Your self-introduction speech should be _.

    A:specific and informative

    B:short and sweet

    C:funny and short

    D:sincere and serious

    答案: 【short and sweet】

    4、There are some helpful tips for self-introduction except __

    A:use some attractive language

    B:try to be calm and relaxed

    C:write an outline in advance

    D:being well prepared for the speech

    答案: 【use some attractive language】

    5、When you introduce yourself in academic settings, you _.

    A: must take your name cards with you

    B: can sit on the chair

    C: you can tell a joke

    D: need to stand

    答案: 【 need to stand】

    6、If you are an outsider to the audience, it’s much better that the person introducing you is _.

    A:a friend

    B:a boss

    C:an organizer

    D:an insider

    答案: 【an insider】

    7、In order to ensure the introduction sounds authentic, the introducer should _.

    A: put his own personal spin on the introduction

    B: share some funny things with the audience

    C: make his introduction well prepared

    D: add something unexpected to the introduction

    答案: 【 put his own personal spin on the introduction】

    8、__ is effective when trying to connect with an audience.

    A:The self-depreciating humor

    B:The sincere attitude

    C:The good preparation

    D:The real information

    答案: 【The self-depreciating humor】

    9、What is the best way if you want to know what to keep and what to cut from your introduction?





    答案: 【Rehearsing.】

    10、What moments of a presentation are precious?

    A:The first few moments.

    B:The relaxing moments

    C:The serious moments.

    D:The last few moments.

    答案: 【The first few moments.】

    第二章 单元测试

    1、____ can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along.





    答案: 【Speakers】

    2、__ is used for immediate interactions.





    答案: 【Speech】

    3、__ tends to be more complex and intricate.




    D:Written language

    答案: 【Written language】

    4、There is more need for ____ to explain things clearly and unambiguously.





    答案: 【writers 】

    5、__ can use tone to add emotional context.





    答案: 【Speakers】

    6、A presentation doesn’t sound natural because __

    A:the way the presenter presents himself/herself is not appropriate

    B:there is no enough information

    C:there is no proper organization

    D: the language is not accurate

    答案: 【the way the presenter presents himself/herself is not appropriate】

    7、While doing presentation you should try your best to make it _.

    A:interesting and attractive 

    B:as academic as possible 

    C:sound professional

    D:formal and serious

    答案: 【interesting and attractive 】

    8、Which of the following sayings is more formal? ____

    A:I ran into him. 

    B:I bumped into him yesterday.

    C:I came across him yesterday.

    D:I met him yesterday.

    答案: 【I met him yesterday.】

    9、Model adjectives can help audience understand the __ of the presenter.

    A: profession 

    B: viewpoints 

    C: reputation

    D: title

    答案: 【 viewpoints 】

    10、When you do presentations, you should use discourse markers to serve the following purposes except _.

    A:to start something new

    B:to tell the audience when to begin and when to end

    C:to show the audience how excellent your language skills are

    D:to see if the audience understand you well

    答案: 【to show the audience how excellent your language skills are】

    第三章 单元测试

    1、In order to build relationship, we usually start with ___

    A:a formal introduction

    B:a little small talk

    C:a serious talk

    D:a friendly meeting

    答案: 【a little small talk】

    2、What is a good way to start a conversation?

    A:Asking some questions

    B:Talking about the latest news.

    C:Introducing yourself.

    D:Creating some funny topics.

    答案: 【Asking some questions】

    3、Job hunting outside of academia is driven by _.

    A: famous universities

    B: family members

    C: personal connections

    D: excellent achievements

    答案: 【 personal connections】

    4、If you want to leave deep impression on somebody, you’d better make sure to have _ before the conference.

    A:a specific proposal

    B:a recommendation letter

    C:a business card

    D:a detailed resume

    答案: 【a business card】

    5、What does “network solo” mean?

    A:To play game together.

    B:To get on the net

    C:To have net meeting

    D:To socialize alone.

    答案: 【To socialize alone.】

    6、You’d better arrive early instead of entering an already crowded room because ___.

    A:it’s easier to connect with organizers and other insiders

    B:you can have more time to talk with people you know

    C:it’s easier to get familiar with the conference setting

    D:you can be well prepared for your presentation

    答案: 【it’s easier to connect with organizers and other insiders】

    7、What is the best strategy adopted when people attend the conference alone?

    A:“Face-to-face communication” strategy

    B:“Keep smile” strategy.

    C:“Talk to random people” strategy.

    D: “One-to-one talk” strategy.

    答案: 【“Talk to random people” strategy.】

    8、Where is the best place for socializing at the conference?

    A:The private place.



    D:The public place.

    答案: 【Cafeteria】

    9、When you just communicate with people you know at a conference, we often call it _.

    A: easy socialization

    B: full participation

    C: light communication

    D: lightly participating

    答案: 【 lightly participating】

    10、People should consider the conference as science camp and go into it with a(n) __ attitude.

    A: positive

    B: curious

    C: sincere 

    D: honest

    答案: 【 positive】

    第四章 单元测试

    1、Which of the following statements about “performance anxiety” is correct?

    A:It may impair people’s ability to socialize with others during the event.

    B:People often become negative if they have performance anxiety.

    C:Performance anxiety can always do harm to people’s preparation.

    D:A little nervous can motivate people to make good preparation.

    答案: 【A little nervous can motivate people to make good preparation.】

    2、Performance anxiety can be caused when ____

    A: people take advantage of past successful performance during interviews.

    B: people are worried about the bad result even if they do quite well as they like.

    C: people consider too much the reaction of audience to their presentation.

    D: people worry that they can’t meet the needs of their friends.

    答案: 【 people consider too much the reaction of audience to their presentation.】

    3、Before the presentation, it can be better to have __

    A: a bottle of beer

    B: a cup of coffee

    C: a warm drink

    D: a cold drink

    答案: 【 a warm drink】

    4、When do people feel particularly nervous?

    A: During the presentation.

    B: At the beginning of the presentation.

    C: At the end of the presentation. 

    D: Before the presentation

    答案: 【 At the beginning of the presentation.】

    5、In order to let the audience know the important part of your presentation, you can ___

    A:speak in the same voice

    B:use some technical methods

    C:pause for a moment

    D:emphasize key words

    答案: 【emphasize key words】

    6、If you want to attract the audience, you can use an emotional word, such as _____, to describe a new way.





    答案: 【amazing】

    7、You’d better avoid providing _____ as “brain food”, because it can’t help the audience focus on your presentation.

    A:green tea




    答案: 【donuts】

    8、What is the first human connection we can have with another person?


    B:Shaking hands


    D:Eye contact

    答案: 【Eye contact】

    9、In order to show you prepare your presentation quite well, you’d better _.

    A:prepare your ppt quite well

    B:memorize your presentation in advance

    C:look at your slides sometimes

    D:ask the audience for some advice

    答案: 【memorize your presentation in advance】

    10、In terms of visual channels, what is often underestimated?

    A:The role of body language

    B:The role of audience

    C:The role of slides.

    D:The role of presenter

    答案: 【The role of body language】

    第五章 单元测试

    1、In order to keep focused, you should not make your presentation __.

    A:to the point


    C:tackling a few themes

    D:covering too much information

    答案: 【covering too much information】

    2、Because audiences have short attention spans, you’d better ___

    A:ask them some questions

    B:keep your presentation brief

    C:use some vivid slides

    D:tell some humorous stories

    答案: 【keep your presentation brief】

    3、You can keep your presentation visually engaging because the audiences ___

    A:are not good at reading for a long time

    B:hate to read a lot of words on a slide

    C:like to see a digital play

    D:do not have enough patience to listen to it

    答案: 【hate to read a lot of words on a slide】

    4、If possible, you’d better get familiar with the following elements about the actual room, except __.

    A:the acoustics

    B:the temperature

    C:the equipment available

    D:the lighting

    答案: 【the temperature】

    5、What should I do to attract the audience’s attention?

    A:You should fix your attention on a particular individual.

    B:You should look around the room at the audience.

    C:You should talk to your PowerPoint.

    D:You should have your head down buried in your notes.

    答案: 【You should look around the room at the audience.】

    6、How should I stand when I make a presentation?

    A:You should make as many gestures as possible.

    B:You should keep your hands by your side.

    C:You should move around a bit.

    D:You should do some acrobatics.

    答案: 【You should move around a bit.】

    7、How should I speak when I make a presentation?

    A:You should speak in a formal way.

    B:You should speak with some jokes.

    C:You should speak more slowly than usual.

    D:You should speak as fast as possible.

    答案: 【You should speak more slowly than usual.】

    8、How do I respond to questions when you make a presentation?

    A:You can argue with the audience if they show different opinions.

    B:You can answer the questions as honestly as possible. 

    C: You can fake the questions if you don’t know the answers.

    D:You can show your acknowledgement instead of answering the questions.

    答案: 【You can answer the questions as honestly as possible. 】

    9、We should keep our presentation brief because _. 

    A:audiences have short attention spans and this is increasingly so in the digital age

    B:it’s easier for us to memorize

    C:we can’t rely on PPT

    D:it’s easier for the audience to follow

    答案: 【audiences have short attention spans and this is increasingly so in the digital age】

    10、__ is vital to keep the audience engaged. 

    A:Standing still

    B:Speaking fluently

    C:Maintaining eye contact

    D:Wearing formal clothes

    答案: 【Maintaining eye contact】

    第六章 单元测试

    1、Who will provide some funding for students to attend a conference?

    A:Their universities.

    B:Their parents.

    C:Their friends

    D:Their relatives.

    答案: 【Their universities.】

    2、Almost every student considers attending conferences as ___.

    A:a positive experience

    B:an interesting experience

    C:an anxious experience

    D:a negative experience







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